Bonnie and Bob

“Our daughter bought through him, sold through him, and now we’re selling through him. He was tireless. He kept his promise.”

Bonnie and Bob had lived in their home for thirty years when they came to us, and we sold it in ten days. Prompted by their daughter – a satisfied client – they entrusted us with their need for a speedy, cross-country move to Alberta. Understanding the emotional and logistical pressures they faced with this time crunch, our team pulled out all the stops. We streamlined the sale process, found a ready buyer, and lived up to the promise we’d made to Bob and Bonnie. Finally, after closing on the sale they’d been longing for, we helped see them off to their next great adventure and extended our relationship with a new generation of their family. When they told us of the relief and excitement they felt, we knew we could close the book on a successful mission.
